If it is properly folded then person can give a speech about the flag if they know any info about where it flew or for how long. The person who folded the stripes then inspects the flag to ensure it is properly folded. This is folded into the field of blue, and now the flag is secured. You do this fold alternating corners until you are at the end.

To do this you can roll your left wrist as you fold. The stripes person starts by folding the flag by bringing the right corner to the left side the exact distance from corner to corner. They hold the flag tight while the stripes person starts folding. The field of blue person should have the blue on the top and bottom of the flag now. Then the field of blue is held facing down. The one with the field of blue has the field of blue on their left. Having said that, the proper way to retire the symbol of this great Nation is to fold it into a tri-fold flag.

Iron Flag also makes use of non-Wu artists well known in their own right: Flavor Flav of Public Enemy and soul legend Ronald Isley make appearances.Under the United States Flag Code, Title 4, Section 8k states – “The flag, when it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem of display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.” Sonical influences range from RZA's Bobby Digital sound to the gritty style of the Wu-Tang's debut album, and the sped-up vocal samples style of Wu-Tang Forever. Rather than stick to one unified sound for most of the album's tracks, as with previous Clan albums, much of Iron Flag returns to many different individual sounds and styles that the Wu-Tang had visited over the years.
Having churned out a myriad of solo projects since their breakthrough group album Enter The Wu-Tang and Wu-Tang Forever, the crew surprisingly came together a year after The W to launch a new album. Iron Flag is the fourth studio album by American East Coast hip hop collective Wu-Tang Clan, released in 2001.