This is the same as … This mod lets you add up to 20 Sims to your club.

Click on the house, NRAAS->Story Progression->Household Options->Maxium Size: Human. I just got this crazy idea to build a giant house and put every single sim in sunset valley to live in it, but I need more than 8 sims to make this possible. Question: How do you get more than 8 Sims in a household? I know you can't have more than 8 in a household. Online Casino Reviews Best Online Casino Online Casino Bonus Sims 4 Game Mods Sims 4 Mods Windows Xp Sims 4 Cheats … Ever wanted to add more than 8 Sims to your club? Through that preschool kawaiistacie, you can glow your toddlers with the new skill sets.

While there are a few mods to change the household size, some of these are outdated.

The main purpose of this game is to create a Sim character and control its life to explore different personalities that affect how the game turns out. There’s one here that increases households to 24 Sims/pets but I’m not sure if it’s compatible with the latest patches: ModTheSims - Full House Mod - Increase your Household Size! 22 Comments.

This mod will allow you to increase the size of your household and surpass the 8 Sim maximum in place by the game. You might have to use the cheat "testingcheats true" beforehand so that it works.