This is persia eu4
This is persia eu4

I swear I hear the loading music just looking at this. In any event, it seems appropriate to start with Paradox’s oldest and still flagship title, Europa Universalis and in particular with the fourth game in the series (the latest one). And this series will in turn be part of a larger series looking at several of Paradox’s games and how they treat their historical subjects (I know, a series of series may be the most ACOUP thing ever). I tried in two runs the first failed as I didn't go for Egypt and just did not have the manpower to deal with the Ottomans, the second I went for Egypt.This is the first post in a series ( I, II, III, IV) that will be examining the historical assumptions of Paradox Interactive’s grand strategy computer game set in the early modern period, Europa Universalis IV. The key I saw to beating the Ottomans is that you need to get Egypt before they do. The Timurids are totally ignoreable until after you deal with the Ottomans as they will either fall apart themselves or become technologically backward if left alone.

this is persia eu4

Once that was done I simply waited for the Ottomans to get into a European war and then slammed into them with my ally Poland.

this is persia eu4 this is persia eu4

Then I actively went after the Mamluks once the Ottomans slapped them around a bit. When I had a chance I went to war with the smaller states in Anatolia and grabed them as much as I could, I only managed a few provinces here. I then westernised using the genoa provinces in the crimea area. At te same time I went to war with the Bedouin states by forcing them to convert to Shia and or vassalising and conquering them. What I did first was calm down the Caucus region with Georgia being the only state there as my vassal.

This is persia eu4