The compact grip fits my hand far better than the full size, and the HK USP Compact. 45 uses a smaller, 8-round magazine that allows for a much smaller grip than the full- size USPs. This pistol utilized HK’s 5-pound LEM (law enforcement module) trigger, and a longer O-ringed, threaded barrel and a Knight’s Armament suppressor (like the MK 23 and USP Tactical). 45, which was also known as the MK 23 Mod 1, as a follow-up to the MK 23. 45-caliber pistol, HK developed the USP CT (Compact Tactical). Working with their customers inside of SOCOM who desired a smaller suppressed. This fact was not missed within the SOCOM (Special Operations Command) community. 45, those with average and smaller hands got a terrific pistol that was an exceptional performer. With the introduction of the HK USP Compact. 45 and MK 23 platforms have always remained a drawback. Many special operations units around the world have adopted this pistol. This led to the USP Tactical, which utilized all of the good parts of the MK 23 (O-ringed, threaded barrel suppressor-height adjustable sights match trigger), but in a smaller and handier platform. However, they were exceptional in regards to their accuracy and performance, especially when used with a Knight’s Armament suppressor. The MK 23 was very large, and was not well received by the end users due to its size. The development of the USP led to the MK 23 SOCOM pistol. I carried several extensively, both on patrol and as my issued S.W.A.T. The USP is well known as a very reliable and accurate pistol. team, and it is their issue pistol to this day. My previous agency was one of the first to issue this pistol to their S.W.A.T. In the early 90s, HK introduced their USP series pistol in.

45-caliber pistols since the introduction of the P9S. Heckler & Koch has been the premier manufacturer of polymer-framed. Shown here with a Gemtech suppressor, the Heckler & Koch HK45C is a covert operator’s dream gun.